grilled meat and vegetable on the table

Food Safety Solutions

From consulting and strategy development to implementation and support, our comprehensive services can help your business thrive.

Dehydrated Culture Media | ELISA| Lateral Flow Tests

Real Time PCR Instrument & Assays


TaqMan-based kit that detects promotor 35S (P-35) from CaMV, the terminator NOS (T-NOS), and a promotor from FMV (P-FMV). Limit of Detection (LOD): 0.1% in 100ng of sample

shallow focus photography of wheat field
shallow focus photography of wheat field
a close up of a green and yellow substance
a close up of a green and yellow substance
grilled meat and vegetable on the table
grilled meat and vegetable on the table

GMO Detection Kit

Food Pathogen Detection Kit

TaqMan-based Food Pathogens detection kit, as per ISO 22118:2011. Fast, easy, and reliable detection.

Meat Identification Kit

TaqMan-based Species identification kit is a crucial tool for identifying fraudulent substitution by less expensive ingredients

person pouring wine on clear wine glass
person pouring wine on clear wine glass

Wine Spoiling yeast ID Kit

TaqMan-based yeast detection kits allow for an immense time reduction in detecting spoiling yeast in the wine, this kit helps winemakers improve their wine quality.

qPCR (Instrument)

silver spoon on black ceramic bowl with vegetables
silver spoon on black ceramic bowl with vegetables

TaqMan-based allergen detection kit enables the identification of allergens in food. Even a small amount of food allergens can cause severe, potentially lethal anaphylactic shocks.

Our qPCR is an open platform and has a wide range of applications, used in GMO, Species identification, Food Pathogen detection, Food Allergen detection, and wine-spoiling yeast identification

Allergen Detection Kit

Genetically-Modified Organism (GMO)  Detection Assays

shallow focus photography of wheat field
shallow focus photography of wheat field

TaqMan-based kit that detects promotor 35S (P-35) from CaMV, the terminator NOS (T-NOS), and a promotor from FMV (P-FMV). Limit of Detection (LOD): 0.1% in 100ng of sample

Xpert detect (GMO Kit)

P-35S, T-NOS and P-FMV

Food Pathogen Detection Assays

pink hearts on white background
pink hearts on white background

The TaqMan-based Xpert qDetect Vibrio spp. is a highly effective tool for detecting V. cholerae and V. parahaemolyticus in food samples. It can accurately detect as few as 1-10 cells per 25g of food sample with 100% specificity.

Xpert qDetect Salmonella Spp.

a close up of a bunch of purple stuff
a close up of a bunch of purple stuff

Xpert qDetect Campylobacter jejuni

TaqMan-based Xpert qDetect Campylobacter jejuni can detect Campylobacter jejuni in as few as 1-10 cells per 25g of food sample with 100% specificity.

TaqMan-based Xpert qDetect Salmonella spp. for detecting Salmonella spp. in food samples, in little as 1-10 cells per 25g of food sample can be detected with a specificity of 100%

The TaqMan-based Xpert qDetect Listeria monocytogenes, detects as little as 1-10 cells of Listeria monocytogenes per 25g of food  sample, with a specificity of 100%.

Xpert qDetect Vibrio Spp.

green oval medication pill lot
green oval medication pill lot

Xpert qDetect Listeria monocytogens

TaqMan-based Xpert qDetect E.coli serotypes kit detects E.coli serotypes O157, O26, O111, O103 and O145, pathogens associated with haemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS). Limit of detection: 1-10 cells per 25g of food sample.  Specificity: 100%

TaqMan-based Xpert qDetect E.coli spp. kit detects E.coli vtx1, vtx2 and eae genes for the identification of EPEC, VTEC and EHEC pathotypes. Limit of detection: 1-10 cells per 25g of food sample. Specificity: 100%

a close up of a plant with very long stems
a close up of a plant with very long stems

Xpert qDetect E.coli Serotypes

a cell with two yellow cells inside of it
a cell with two yellow cells inside of it
a close up of a pink substance with small bubbles
a close up of a pink substance with small bubbles

Xpert qDetect E.coli spp.

Meat (Species) Identification Assays

selective focus photography of brown hen
selective focus photography of brown hen

TaqMan based kit for the detection of chicken DNA in food sample, Limit of  detection: 0.1% in 100ng total DNA (mixed species)

Xpert qDetect Swine (Pig)

brown cow on gray sand during daytime
brown cow on gray sand during daytime

Xpert qDetect Cow (Bovine)

TaqMan-based kit for the detection of porcine DNA in food samples with a detection limit of 0.1% in 100ng total DNA (mixed species)

TaqMan-based kit for the detection of ovine (Sheep) DNA in food samples with a detection limit of 0.1% in 100ng total DNA (mixed species)

Xpert qDetect Chicken

a herd of sheep standing on top of a lush green field
a herd of sheep standing on top of a lush green field

Xpert qDetect Sheep (Ovine)

TaqMan-based kit for the detection of caprine (Goat) DNA in food samples with a detection limit of 0.1% in 100ng total DNA (mixed species)

For the detection of equine DNA in food samples with a detection limit of 0.1% in 100ng total DNA (mixed species)

selective focus photography of two brown horses
selective focus photography of two brown horses
four swines
four swines
white goat on green grass field during daytime
white goat on green grass field during daytime

Xpert qDetect Horse (Equine)

white swan on water during daytime
white swan on water during daytime

Xpert qDetect Duck

TaqMan-based kit for the detection of duck DNA in food samples with a detection limit of 0.1% in 100ng total DNA (mixed species)

black turkey on grass
black turkey on grass

Xpert qDetect Turkey

TaqMan-based kit for the detection of turkey DNA in food samples with a detection limit of 0.1% in 100ng total DNA (mixed species)

Xpert qDetect Goat (Caprine)

TaqMan-based kit for the detection of bovine (cow) DNA in food samples with a detection limit of 0.1% in 100ng total DNA (mixed species)

long-stem wine glass filled with liquid

Wine Spoiling Yeast Species Detection Kit

a glass of beer sitting on top of a wooden table
a glass of beer sitting on top of a wooden table

TaqMan based kit for the detection of Brettanomyces (the anamorphic stage of Dekkera bruxellensis), responsible for undesired sensory effects (such as rancidity). Limit of detection: 10^2-10^3 cells per 50 ml of wine and a specificity of 100%.

red wine in clear wine glass
red wine in clear wine glass

Xpert qDetect Zygosaccharomyces bailii

TaqMan-based kit for the detection of Zygosaccharmomyces bailii, responsible for undesired sensory effects (such as rancidity). Limit of detection: 10^2-10^3 cells per 50 ml of wine and a specificity of 100%.

Xpert qDetect Brettanomyces/Dekkera bruxellensis

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